Pastor’s Pen

Pastor’s Pen

Joy! Then Re-joice!

I am writing this on November 22, just six weeks after I started serving Spanish Springs. I feel like I have been here longer—in a good way! I have met a lot of people and gotten a good sense of the health of the congregation. I feel more connected that I would expect after such a short time. Kudos to the Session and Deacons for giving thoughtful attention to bringing me on board. November 27 was the first day of…
Christmas decorations

The First Nowell

IT’S THAT TIME OF YEAR WHEN PEOPLE ARE weighing in on their least favorite Christmas songs. “The Little Drummer Boy” is often at the top of the list. How many “rum pa pum pum’s” does a person need to hear in December? Or a lifetime? “Feliz Navidad” also makes many people’s lists. In the true spirit of unity, this song manages to be irritating in two languages. At First Presbyterian Church, we have a tradition with Christmas hymns. We always sing…