Monthly Calendar

Monthly Calendar


May 10, 2024
Sack Lunch with sandwich, apple and cookies

Ladies’ Sack Lunch at SSPC

Friday Ladies’ Sack Lunch at SSPC There are a group of us who are interested in continuing a group for women that would meet once a week over a sack lunch (which you would bring) strictly for the purpose of fellowship with our friends. No agenda, projects, study, etc. It’s just a chance to visit with your friends at SSPC. The Session has approved this happening. Our plan at this point is to get together on Fridays at 12:30 PM…
Oct 1, 2024

World Communion Sunday

The first Sunday in October is designated as World Communion Sunday, which celebrates our oneness in Christ with all our brothers and sisters around the world.  Paul tells us that we are to “discern the body” when we partake of Holy Communion, mindful that we note our relationship to all our brothers and sisters in Christ in the celebration.  One is not to go hungry while another is drunk! (I Cor. 11:21).  This is scandalous behavior opposed to the Way…