- Lenten Program–Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, February 22. We’ll worship at 7:00 p.m.
Each Thursday morning during Lent, February 23 through April 6, at 10:30 am, and each Tuesday, February 28 through April 4, at 6:30 p.m. we will gather over Zoom to “try on” a spiritual discipline for a week.
I call the program Dim Sum, after the funnest way to learn about Chinese food. The waitress walks through the restaurant with a variety of foods on small plates. Diners are encouraged to try small portions of lots of different things.
For years I’ve found it very difficult to commit to one spiritual discipline for all of Lent. I have a short attention span; I’m a strong extrovert; there are probably other reasons. But committing to trying a spiritual discipline for one week, and talking about it with other people who are trying to same thing has made my Lenten observances richer and more memorable.
Watch for links to our Zoom gatherings next week.