Past Worship Services (Page 14)

Past Worship Services (Page 14)

Jesus and disciples

In the Name of Jesus Christ

In the Name of Jesus Christ              4th Sunday of Easter Acts 4:5-12 ———–  1 John 3:16-24 ———-  April 25, 2021 ———-  John 10:11-18 A few weeks ago, it was Easter Sunday.  We celebrated the resurrection, and were reminded that we are “Easter People.”  William Willimon explains it this way: “Resurrection is not just something that happened to dead Jesus.  Resurrection is also something that happens to the dead followers of Jesus!  Easter keeps happening, as Jesus keeps talking to us, keeps revealing and…

A Peek into the Kingdom

A Peek into the Kingdom ————- 3rd Sunday of Easter ———— April 18, 2021 Acts 3: 12-19 ———— Luke 24: 36b-48 Today, I am starting a series of sermons in which I use a story written by one of my favorite authors—folks like George MacDonald, C. S. Lewis, and Leo Tolstoy.  (We’ll see who else shows up as we move along!)  I am choosing stories that will come alongside the Scriptures for the day, illustrating the point, and perhaps making…
Holy Spirit

Recovering Believers

Recovering Believers                 2nd Easter Psalm 133   April 11, 2021   John 20:19-31 Back in 1935, a man suffering from alcoholism was told that there was no medical cure—and then he was encouraged to find a spiritual means to sobriety.  He sought out others who might be able to help—and Alcoholics Anonymous was born!  Using a 12-step program, AA helps people face their situation with honesty, integrity, as well as mutual encouragement and support.  It has spawned thousands of chapters, as well…

Real Life (In a Nutshell)

Real Life (In a Nutshell) —– Easter Day —– April 4, 2021 Acts 10: 34-43 —– 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11 —– John 20: 1-18 It wouldn’t surprise you, would it, if I told you that our culture is always in a hurry?  People travel to other places where the pace is slower—and they come back and talk about how it took awhile to get used to the lack of hurry, but they eventually came to enjoy it.  But then they…

Washing Feet

Washing Feet ——– Maundy Thursday ——– April 1, 2021 ——– 6:30 PM Psalm 116: 1-4, 12-29———John 13: 1-17, 31b-35 Those of you who are teachers understand the challenges of trying to convey a body of knowledge or a principle.  Parents face this challenge with their children; customer service representatives have the same challenge when trying to inform a customer; anyone hoping to convey information to another person understands the limits of our language. Jesus is perhaps the best-known teacher the…

The Humble King

The Humble King—–Palm Sunday Zechariah 9:9-10—–March 28, 2021—–Mark 11: 1-11, 14: 1-9 When I was a little kid, I used to have a fantasy that I would someday become King of the World.  As King, I would send out people to hunt down an older kid who had been bullying me so much that I didn’t want to go to school.  And, when they brought this kid before me, forcing him to kneel in humble submission, I would look down…

A New Covenant

A New Covenant—–5th Sunday in Lent Jeremiah 31: 31-34—–March 21, 2021—–John 12: 20-33 Being a PARENT is full of surprises!  I always imagined myself teaching my kids—passing on wisdom and understanding and humor and insight.  But, you know what?!  My kids (and other people’s kids) have taught me!  Today I want focus on one of the things that parenting has taught me about God.  Here it is in a nutshell: God is our loving Father; in love, God carefully lays…
heart in hands

To Save, NOT Condemn

To Save, NOT Condemn—–4th Sunday in Lent Psalm 107: 1-3, 17-22—–Ephesians 2: 1-10—–March 14, 2021—–John 3: 14-21 When I was about 7 years old, I was playing over at a friend’s house.  We were out in the shop with his dad, who was puttering around with an engine.  My friend showed me something really cool—a miniature branding iron that he had made by bending a piece of wire into a shape.  He heated up the brand part in a little…
Bible bread & wine

Christ in the Marketplace

Christ in the Marketplace                 3rd Sunday in Lent 1 Corinthians 1:18-25   March 7, 2021   John 2:13-22 If I had asked you to close your eyes and picture Jesus (at least before hearing today’s Gospel reading), you probably would have pictured him praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, or perhaps surrounded by children as he blessed them, or maybe gently knocking on a door.  You might have pictured him feeding a big crowd, or walking on water.  But, after hearing our…
Jesus holding an outstretched hand

In the Presence

In the Presence 2nd Sunday in Lent 2 Kings 2: 1-12 February 28, 2021 Mark 9: 2-9 Once upon a time, there was a young boy who walked to Sunday School every single Sunday.  An old sinner who lived near the boy’s path decided he would intercept the young fellow and “throw a wet blanket” on his faith.  So, one Sunday morning, he stepped in front of the boy and said, “Son, I’ll give you a nickel if you can…

Lead Me in Your Truth

Lead Me in Your Truth              1st Lent Feb. 21, 2021  Psalm 25:1-10   1 Peter 3:18-22   Mark 1:9-15 I have been thinking this week about TRUTH, and (as always) it has reminded me of a movie—one that focuses on how important it is to tell the truth.  It’s called “Liar, Liar” and it stars Jim Carrey as a lawyer who uses lies in every aspect of his life, both his professional life and his personal life.  He is suddenly no longer…
Ash Wednesday

“Family Under Your Nose”

“Family Under Your Nose” Ash Wednesday Luke 16: 19-31 February 17, 2021 Back in 2008, a movie came out that had an impact on my life.  It is called, “Slumdog Millionaire.”  Have any of you seen it?  I had been vaguely aware of life in the slums of India, but this movie “put a face” on the children.  They were destitute, yes, but also full of hope and promise, and they were eager for education.  The main character managed to…