Sermons by Pastor Pat Mecham (Page 4)

Sermons by Pastor Pat Mecham (Page 4)

From the Cross to the Sky

November 21, 2021—————Rev. Patrick Mecham………….Christ the King Sunday 2 Samuel 23: 1-7——————-Revelation 1: 4b-8—————John 18: 33-37 Those of you who follow professional football already know the name of David Tyree.  You know that, in the 2008 Super Bowl, his New York Giants were behind the New England Patriots (the undefeated Patriots) they were behind by four points with only a minute and fifteen seconds left on the clock.  Eli Manning launched a pass, and Tyree leapt for the ball at…

As the Day Approaches

November 14, 2021—————Rev. Patrick Mecham Hebrews 10: 19-25—————-Mark 13: 1-8 Please note that the sermon text is not available for this week.

Women of the Kingdom

November 7, 2021———-Rev. Patrick Mecham…………24th Sunday after Pentecost Ruth 3: 1-5, 4: 13-17—————-Mark 12: 38-44 Think for a moment about what you are willing to invest yourself in wholeheartedly. What is it that you want to put your best effort into? Is it your relationship with your family? How about the development of your career? Or maybe it’s your children’s education that has the absolute commitment of your heart? What exactly is it that you are willing to give your…

Not Far from the Kingdom

Ruth 1: 1-18———-Mark 12: 28-34———-23rd Sunday after Pentecost October 31, 2021———-Rev. Patrick Mecham Several years ago, I went to see a movie called “The Green Mile,” based on a book by Stephen King.  Except for one horrific scene, it was an excellent film.  The story line was full of Gospel messages and truths about selflessness and healing and judgment.  I had always thought of the author as some “wacko” who excelled at writing horror stories.  But, at the end of…

Job’s New Insights

Job 42: 1-6, 10-17———-Psalm 34: 1-8, 19-22———22nd Sunday after Pentecost October 24, 2021———–Rev. Patrick Mecham You all know the story of the lowly caterpillar.  It is earthbound, slowly crawling from leaf to leaf, munching its way through life.  Then one day it attaches itself to a branch and develops a chrysalis and, to the uninformed eye, DIES.  How sad.  But, on a later day, the apparently dead thing starts to wiggle and eventually splits and the form of a butterfly…

Letting Go and Letting In

Psalm 90: 12-17……….Mark 10: 17-31……….20th Sunday after Pentecost October 10, 2021……….Rev. Patrick Mecham Letting Go and Letting In…………….Special Message by Maggie A.F. Harmon, Esq. A common critique of my sermons that I have received, and it may be a mistake to start a sermon by telling you what the problems are, but here goes – a common critique I have heard is that I am too academic (not shocking in a presbyterian church) and that I don’t share enough of…

Audacious Asking

Psalm 124———-James 5: 13-30———-18th Sunday after Pentecost September 26, 2021 Many years ago, I met two 14-year-olds that were in the youth group at the church where I was a new intern.  Within ten minutes of meeting me, they asked, “Can we borrow your car?”  I was flabbergasted!  What an audacious request!  Firstly, they were too young to drive.  Secondly, I barely knew them—but they appeared to be entirely serious about it!  I said, “No, guys.  Sorry.”  And they said,…

Servant Leadership

James 3: 13 – 4: 8a———-Mark 9: 30-37———–17th Sunday after Pentecost September 19, 2021 Listen to this description: “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth!” This is what Numbers 12:3 tells us about the most famous leader in the early history of our faith!  A very HUMBLE man.  Isn’t humble a funny word?  We might say, “Welcome to my humble abode” when we actually have a home any royalty…

Successful Losers

Mark 8:27-38 ———– Proverbs 1:20-33 —-16th Sunday after Pentecost September 12, 2021 (Holding up Romex): Do you see this wire?  Anyone who has helped build a house or has done any wiring project will recognize it.  Everybody I know calls it “Romex,” and it makes life as we know it possible!  Without wire like this running through our homes and businesses and even here at church, life would be very different.  Because electricity flows through the wire, amazing things happen. …

Dogs, Demons, and Discrimination

James 2: 1-17———Mark 7: 24-37—-15th Sunday after Pentecost September 5, 2021 One of my favorite authors is Dr. Seuss! At our house, How the Grinch Stole Christmas is a favorite every December. The old animated version seen on TV brings to life a story about how celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas is more important than all the presents and decorations and feasting. It is a story of redemption in which the hardhearted Grinch is drawn into the celebration instead…

“Worthless Religion”

August 29, 2021                   “Worthless Religion”       Rev. Patrick Mecham           James 1:17-27  ———– Mark 7:1-23 ———-14th Sunday after Pentecost In 1859, a French tight-rope walker by the name of Charles Blondin decided to pull a stunt that would guarantee him great fame.  He walked 1100 feet on a highwire that was strung 160’ above Niagra Falls!  Over the next few years, he returned to Niagra to repeat his feat, with further difficulties thrown in—crossing it blindfolded, manacled, on stilts, pushing a…

Body Armor

August 22                   “Body Armor”           Rev. Patrick Mecham           Ephesians 6:10-20             John 6:56-69 13th Sunday after Pentecost We all understand that, when a new recruit joins the military, he or she goes through extensive training and physical fitness preparation before they are sent into action. But we wouldn’t think of deploying them without a helmet or body armor—that would be just plain foolish! In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he’s saying something similar: Christians need to put on body armor…