By now you all should have received your pledge card for the annual giving of 2022. Extras can be found at the Church Information Desk. We ask that you prayerfully plan what you might be able to pledge for this coming year, 2022.
A few things your giving has made possible this past year are:
- A new rug for the nursery
- Repair of the old copier and the purchase of a replacement copy machine and service contract for our church office
- Rental agent services to locate our new tenant and provided financial compensation for our work during the time the unit was vacant
- Purchase of a music player for the Nursery
- Funding for the “Building a Legacy” luncheon program
- Purchase of new library book/audio book materials and mending supplies
- The purchase of an additional reference bookshelf, signage for shelving and mending/labeling materials for new items
- Helped defray the cost of individual bible study books through the end of 2021 and the hosting fee for our Zoom Bible study
- Employment of a new Nursery Attendant. Soon to provide backup persons for times Administrative Assistant and Nursery Attendant are absent
- Provided the hosting fee for our wonderful website and all costs for our providing church services online, including a broadcast technician
Thank you for your faithful dedication to God’s work. We hope to have you with us this Pledge Sunday, October 24, 2021.
Stewardship Ministry Team